Search found 22 matches

by Alexander Ploetz
25 Dec 2016, 22:14
Forum: Notation Rules and Standards
Topic: Endings?
Replies: 5
Views: 7355

Re: Endings?

I had a whole suite to engrave for a customer with this approach two years ago. Have a look.
by Alexander Ploetz
20 Oct 2016, 20:12
Forum: Digital Notation Tools
Topic: Dorico
Replies: 63
Views: 74675

Re: Dorico

I am pretty sure that offsets for notes will be properly implemented eventually (indeed, the fields to change these values are in the UI of the last build that I used, although you could not change them), but I would like to reiterate the point that I tried to make in the review: you will make your ...
by Alexander Ploetz
26 Sep 2016, 12:04
Forum: Other: Publishing production and Sales
Topic: Full Score versus Study Score terminology
Replies: 2
Views: 25575

Re: Full Score versus Study Score terminology

"Full score" has nothing to do with size. It simply means that it contains all parts "in full". Therefore, virtually all so-called "study scores" are, indeed, full scores. For this issue it helps to remember the alternative term of "pocket score". If the paper...
by Alexander Ploetz
05 Aug 2016, 11:03
Forum: Problems and Solutions (Help)
Topic: [puzzle] Slur problem
Replies: 3
Views: 8475

Re: [puzzle] Slur problem

Since it seems not to be wrong in any relevant aspect, it already goes down as "at least satisfying" in my book.
by Alexander Ploetz
27 Jul 2016, 22:14
Forum: Notation Rules and Standards
Topic: Cueing – Use Cases
Replies: 11
Views: 15268

Cueing – Use Cases

The thread about Universal Edition's product design standards , at this point, has nicely derailed into a discussion of cueing. That is a topic that I find highly interesting, so I thought, why not create a dedicated thread to talk about the intricacies of cues. Undercueing, Overcueing, what to choo...
by Alexander Ploetz
25 Jul 2016, 14:31
Forum: Notation Rules and Standards
Topic: Should a musical quote be acknowledged in score?
Replies: 8
Views: 9820

Re: Should a musical quote be acknowledged in score?

A further thought: since you go with the rather distinct annotation of "quasi Parsifal", I would recommend to include this in the parts as well (actually, in all parts, assuming that the brass is bringing the Wagner material with all others being silent) for a simple reason: I think there ...
by Alexander Ploetz
25 Jul 2016, 14:25
Forum: Notation Rules and Standards
Topic: Should a musical quote be acknowledged in score?
Replies: 8
Views: 9820

Re: Should a musical quote be acknowledged in score?

In memoriam of, we know all, the Third Reich. What you claim to be a generally accepted fact is, actually, a highly dubious minority view. On topic, I do not think that anything from Parsifal needs special acknowledgement unless it is carefully hidden. From the original post I would assume that we ...
by Alexander Ploetz
19 Jul 2016, 01:23
Forum: Notation Rules and Standards
Topic: UE Product design Standards / & on cueing UE-rules
Replies: 42
Views: 56404

Re: UE Product design Standards

While I would agree that "text only" cues are not suitable for cueing an immediate entry, I find them very economical for "landmark" cues during long stretches of rests. They have to be unambigous, of course. But if the main reason for a cue is to just confirm that you are still ...
by Alexander Ploetz
12 Jul 2016, 12:11
Forum: Engraving Commentaries
Topic: Exotic grace notes in Boulez
Replies: 33
Views: 44242

Re: Exotic grace notes in Boulez

In Sibelius, the positioning of the notes could be largely automated with a ManuScript plug-in (by way of manipulation of the horizontal position, not the actual spacing column, which is not accessible to ManuScript). Respacing would be a constant threat to such passages, however. Also, it might tur...
by Alexander Ploetz
24 Apr 2016, 10:16
Forum: Problems and Solutions (Help)
Topic: How best to notate pp entry of celesta during dying resonance of tam-tam
Replies: 7
Views: 14138

Re: How best to notate pp entry of celesta during dying resonance of tam-tam

If you put in a short note describing the desired effect then I see no reason why the celestist (?) should feel like a fool. On the contrary, once it is clear why you let the celesta start in that way, the passage will probably even be played extra carefully.
