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MuseScore 4.2 Released

Posted: 19 Dec 2023, 14:47
by Pepperoni
MuseScore 4.2 was just released.

An overview of the changes

This release seems to be focused on Guitar, including a Guitar library for Muse Sounds:

Their release cadence seems to have noticeably increased since the release of the overhauled version 4.

Re: MuseScore 4.2 Released

Posted: 23 Dec 2023, 16:27
MuseScore goes into the right direction.

The only things I am missing right now are:
- support for custom lines, boxes and shapes.
- partial SVG export, and SVG export that gives 100% size (not 800%).

Re: MuseScore 4.2 Released

Posted: 23 Dec 2023, 16:54
by MichelRE
hmm, the little harp pedal widget is cute.
I sort of wish Dorico had something like that.

How does MS handle things like complex divisi of parts? (for example, strings that have multiple divisi in different configurations)

How does MS handle these divisi between score and parts? what if a divisi starts mid-system in a part but at the beginning of a system in the score? or vice-versa? how about divisi a2 on one page, then unison, then divisi in4 a page later?

Re: MuseScore 4.2 Released

Posted: 23 Dec 2023, 18:27
by benwiggy
Does it do cut-away scores?

Re: MuseScore 4.2 Released

Posted: 23 Dec 2023, 20:05
by MichelRE
I'm most definitely not a user of cutaway scores (having heard too many conductors complain about them and express just how much they hate reading from them), but I know they are a VERY much requested addition to Dorico.

I'm also curious whether MS can do them.

I know Finale does. Can Sibelius?

Re: MuseScore 4.2 Released

Posted: 24 Dec 2023, 14:10
MichelRE wrote: 23 Dec 2023, 20:05but I know they are a VERY much requested addition to Dorico.
Can't Dorico create cutaway??

Yes, MuseScore can with a click create cut-away staffs.

But in my experience, after doing one large vocal score and one large orchestral score in Sibelius, that Finale's "Staff Styles" are one of the most clever, straightforward and ingenious inventions, that cannot be matched with other software. One of the things why I don't give up with Finale so easily. @dspreadbury - "staff styles" should be incorporated into Dorico, because it is the powerful way to control so many parameters of a stave, be it dependent or independent. I wish they just copy the system into Dorico, and I will be there - yesterday!

@MichelRE I haven't done so much large scores in MuseScore so I cannot answer to your question about divisi properly. I mostly use MuseScore as a teaching tool, so that students can open files on all platforms, for free; or in a liturgical context for the choir members. MuseScore has improved the output and is indeed very beautiful.

Re: MuseScore 4.2 Released

Posted: 28 Dec 2023, 01:19
by odod
What I like about MS 4 also it's ability to select similar elements on the staff, a time saver.